snooper detection

Dr. Frederick B. Cohen (
Wed, 10 May 1995 11:26:54 -0400 (EDT)

> Are you able to detect someone running snoop on a machine with for instance
> tripwire? (Solaris Case study). With an out of the box Solaris machine 
> what you are stating in your mail is false.

	If you are saying that Solaris does not provide proper OS
protection for the ethernet interface, this is a major hole.  For
example, if that device is a DMA device, it could be exploited to
overwrite OS memory, etc.  Otherwise, I don't see how you can use
Solaris as a sniffer without getting root access first.  This then is
not a sniffer problem but another security hole.

> Or doing a modload onto a SunOS 4.x machine where the module would produce a
> device with the proper major and minor numbers of /dev/nit? Would you be able
> to detect this? Same could be done on a SunOS 5.x machine...
> (modload is NEEDED for instance to be able to have printing services running).

There is no reason you could not detect this and there are several
substantial journal articles addressing these issues in a great deal
of detail (see Computers and Security for the last 5 years).

> For both case studies the pre-requisit: be root has been skipped for more or
> less obvious reasons...

To reliably detect if root has made a modification, you need to do a
more complex set of checks using hard-to-forge cryptographic checksums
and a system of defense-in-depth.  Again, these have been extensively
addressed in journal articles and in a book titled: "A Short Course on
Computer Viruses - 2nd edition" available through John Wiley and Sons. 

As far as I am aware, current sniffers do not necessitaqte this level
of protection, and since bugtraq is not interested in theoretical
issues, further dicussion of this issue should be taken off-line.

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